Medical Virtual Receptionist: A Better Patient Experience and Efficiency

A medical virtual greeter is a VA who is the first point of contact with patients. They are the first people a patient talks to, just like the front desk staff in your office, and they can do the same jobs, but they have extra perks that your office staff can’t match. This piece will talk about the roles of medical virtual receptionists in small to medium-sized medical practices, the benefits of hiring one, and what to look for when hiring one.

What is a medical virtual receptionist?

Medical Virtual Receptionist: A Better Patient Experience and Efficiency

A medical virtual receptionist is the first person a patient talks to at a healthcare office. They can answer incoming calls, make outgoing calls, set up appointments and confirmations, change appointments, help with prior authorizations, pre-authorizations, and more. They can do the same things as people who work at the front desk in person, but they do it from a different place.

Many medical providers still consider medical VAs as extra help for their current employees in times of crisis or to relieve stress by taking care of the boring, time-consuming chores they don’t have time to do. This isn’t true, and the fact that the need for medical virtual assistants and medical virtual receptionists is rising across the country shows how important their jobs are in medical offices. Let’s look at what a medical virtual receptionist does at an office for a moment.

What other roles can medical virtual assistants play at a practice?

Medical Virtual Receptionist: A Better Patient Experience and Efficiency

When you look at the different jobs that medical virtual assistants can do at practice and compare. That to the cost savings and other perks, it’s easy to see why the market for VAs in the US keeps growing. 

Medical Virtual ReceptionistA new study from the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) says that. The market will grow from $684 million in 2021 to $5.3 billion in 2028. That’s a yearly growth rate of 34% or CAGR. 

Depending on the practice size, the jobs listed below can be done by one VA or a team of VAs. One medical virtual receptionist can also do them.  

What a patient coordinator’s job is 

Medical Virtual Receptionist: A Better Patient Experience and Efficiency

From the first time you talk to a patient in person or online until the last bill is paid. Your medical virtual receptionist will contact them in person and online. As the world changes and the patient experience becomes more important to the health of the medical practice. The patient coordinator’s job is also becoming more important. 

Neolytix Medical Virtual AssistantBut this job also has effects on money. The No Surprises Act of 2022 could make the practice pay big fines if they pay little attention to customer benefit verification and pre-authorizations.

How Medical Triage Specialists do what they do  

Medical virtual receptionists can act as medical experts, which means they can be given the power to schedule appointments for people who need care quickly.  

They can also help fill prescriptions and answer questions about lab tests. VAs who are trained nurses and work as medical virtual receptionists can also help with telehealth.  

This job can help the medical provider spend less time answering questions that aren’t important and more time doing what they do best, which is giving good medical care.  

What a Medical Scribe does

Your medical virtual helper may gather important information about the patient. Before the consultation and record it live during the consultation. This means doctors won’t spend as much time updating charts. This is good news since the average doctor spends 8.7 hours weekly (16.6% of their work hours) on administrative chores.  

The medical providers can spend less time keeping track of, managing, and policing these virtual medical scribes because they are recorded, watched, and reported to the provider from the outside. 

The translator’s job (for bilingual VAs) 

Think about how many points your office will get if you can serve a customer in the language of their choice… Having a bilingual person at your front desk would make things better for your current patients and make your practice more appealing to potential new patients looking for a place to talk in their language. More than 12% of the people in a state like Texas speak Spanish and new studies. Show that by 2050, one-third of the US population will speak Spanish. With the help of a bilingual medical virtual assistant, now is as good a time as any to accept Spanish-speaking patients.  

What are the benefits of Neolytix medical virtual receptionists?

You have heard the old saying, “First impressions last.”  In many ways, your front desk staff is the face of your business. They are the first people a potential patient sees, and their first impression is very important to how the patient feels about the whole experience and how they think of your office. Forbes says it takes a person seven seconds to make a first impression. This first impression will likely shape how the patient thinks of your business in the future. When a patient has a bad first impression, that feeling is likely to stick around, and if the patient’s standards aren’t met later, that feeling could worsen. 

Monitoring, reporting, and figuring out how people feel 

Doctors and nurses depend on hope regarding the service their in-practice employees give patients. While taking care of a patient or getting ready for the next session in the back, they believe that the people at the front desk are doing their best to give patients great service.  

Often, problems are only found once online reviews start to be bad. But by then, it’s too late, and the level of service standard the practice wants to reach needs to be fixed.

Neolytix medical virtual receptionists are equipped with cutting-edge communication technology that records every single line of writing. Even phone calls are recorded, transcribed, and then sent to AI, which analyzes the talks to determine how the patients felt about what was said. 

Neolytix managers monitor the medical virtual receptionists in real-time and look at the reports the system makes to ensure they meet their SLAs. Medical providers are often given reports describing the care level they give. 

The best communication tools on the market 

After reading the part above, you may have realized that our medical virtual receptionists’ systems are high-tech since they can analyze sentiment. But besides keeping an eye on things, these tools are also very good at improving the patient’s experience. 

Omnichannel options from Talkdesk give medical virtual receptionists a way to talk to patients on the channel of their choice. Everything is recorded and kept in one place, whether by text, email, phone, or live chat. This creates a perfect paper trail so that HIPAA-compliant patient information is easy to find.  

Bringing down operating costs 

Because of how well the Talkdesk, as mentioned above, handles communication, your patients wouldn’t know that the medical virtual receptionist works from home instead of in your office. Aside from all the other benefits these remote resources bring, the cost difference between an in-practice employee and a virtual medical receptionist is one of the most obvious benefits for doctors. But more on that soon… 

Live in the next hour. 

All of our VAs are taught and keep getting new skills, so they are always ready to go. Our VAs and receptionists only need a little training to start working. At your office because we have transition managers who help with onboarding. 

Service that doesn’t stop 

Virtual medical receptionists from Neolytix come with a free backup. That means the backup will take their place if your VA or receptionist can’t work for any reason. This will ensure no problems at your office and that the transition goes smoothly. This is a free bonus, too. 

What does a virtual medical receptionist cost?

The hourly rate of a virtual medical receptionist varies on many things, such as the service provider, the VA’s skills, the contract, the number of hours needed, and so on.

Neolytix offers the best virtual medical receptionists in the industry for $7.99 per hour. This price includes a free backup VA and a dedicated transition manager. Always-present boss to ensure that high-quality service is always provided.

Where to find a virtual medical receptionist?

Neolytix has given small and medium-sized medical offices nationwide virtual assistants and virtual medical receptionists for over ten years. Schedule a FREE, no-obligation consultation, or contact us on any social media platform to learn more. About receptionists, rates, or special deals.


Medical Virtual has become a groundbreaking tool that has changed healthcare. It has made it possible for people to get high-quality medical care. The ease of their homes instead of going to a hospital or clinic. Virtual healthcare has also made it easier for doctors and nurses to reach. More patients, including those who live in remote places. Also, the use of virtual technologies has made healthcare services more efficient and cut down on costs. As virtual healthcare keeps improving, we expect to see more new solutions to help patients worldwide get better care. Overall, has become an important part of modern healthcare. It has a huge promise to improve patients’ lives and health.

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